"“Anyone whose goal is 'something higher' must expect someday to suffer vertigo. What is vertigo? Fear of falling? No, Vertigo is something other than fear of falling. It is the voice of the emptiness below us which tempts and lures us, it is the desire to fall, against which, terrified, we defend ourselves.”
“for there is nothing heavier than compassion. Not even one's own pain weighs so heavy as the pain one feels with someone, for someone, a pain intensified by the imagination and prolonged by a hundred echoes.”
“There is no perfection only life”
""Faith is the element; the “chemical” which, when mixed with prayer, gives one direct communication with Infinite Intelligence.”
"Faith is the only agency through which the cosmic force of Infinite Intelligence can be harnessed and used by man.”
"Faith is the basis of all “miracles,” and all mysteries which cannot be analyzed by the rules of science.”"
"The greatest source of stress was that it had been three months since I'd moved to New York and I still didn't have a job. You know those books called From Homeless to Harvard or From Jail to Yale or From Skid Row to Skidmore? They're these inspirational memoirs about young people overcoming the bleakest of circumstances and going on to succeed in college. I was worried I would be the subject of a reverse kind of book: a pathetic tale of a girl with a great education who frittered it away watching syndicated Law & Order episodes on a sofa in Brooklyn. From Dartmouth to Dickhead it would be called. i needed a job."
“Living a comfortable life can allow you the psychic space needed to focus on other, often bigger things and when you treat your possessions as emblems of your hard work, they inherit a meaning that transcends the objects themselves.”
- “If you approach everything in your life with a certain degree of intention, you can affect the outcome. At the absolute minimum, you will affect how you feel about the outcome, and that is ultimately what matters most.”
"People only have as much liberty as they have the intelligence to want and the courage to take." -Emma Goldman